Development of a risk-based framework for biosolids quality management

Project 3C

Biosolids transformation includes managing a range of chemical, stability and pathogenic risks to protect public health, reduce nuisances and maximise the benefits of the use of this resource. In Australia, biosolids are regulated at the state level, using outdated guidelines, still largely based on risk management concepts originally published in the 70’s by the USEPA.

While some states have attempted to update the guidelines, many challenges remain. One of these challenges relates to the exposure pathways for persistent emerging contaminants such as hydrochlorocarbon pesticides, brominated flame retardants, per fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and endocrine disrupters.

The PhD student and ICPD will work together to develop a comprehensive validation framework for biosolids recycling schemes, with an emphasis on emerging contaminants for existing processing technologies, enabling the development of new, robust Australian Guidelines for Biosolids Management. Such guidelines will place emphasis on developing biosolids safety plans and process barrier monitoring, rather than an over-reliance on conventional end-point quality monitoring.

Our team


Prof Denis O'Carroll

Lead Chief Investigator
UNSW Sydney


Prof Stuart Khan

Chief Investigator
UNSW Sydney


Prof Richard Stuetz

Chief Investigator
UNSW Sydney


Dist. Prof Andy Ball

Chief Investigator
RMIT University

UNSW D1 - Nov 2020 by Anthony Burns APP _0662 (2)

Dr Ruth Fisher

Chief Investigator
UNSW Sydney

Leadin Khudur DSC_8085

Dr Leadin Khudur

Industry Centre Post doc
RMIT University

Marilyn Braine

Marilyn Braine

Industry Centre PhD candidate
UNSW Sydney

Marina Corte Tedesco 2

Marina Corte Tedesco

PhD candidate

UNSW Sydney


Dr Calvin He

Industry Centre Post doc
UNSW Sydney

Leadin Khudur DSC_8085

Dr Leadin Khudur

Industry Centre Post doc
RMIT University

Marilyn Braine

Marilyn Braine

Industry Centre PhD candidate
UNSW Sydney

Marina Corte Tedesco 2

Marina Corte Tedesco

PhD candidate

UNSW Sydney
