Stakeholder engagement and acceptance
Project 3D
Competing belief about biosolids and their transformation technologies have restricted their application and acceptance. This includes resistance to their adoption among farmers, who may identify important limitations with proposed biosolids products that researchers need to take account of in order to develop improved, appropriate products.
Resistance to biosolids use may be also rooted in farmers’ and others’ lack of understanding of biosolids products, and their perceived (versus actual) risks of biosolids and related products.
The PhD student will focus on identifying the social and industrial knowledge basis of biosolids and related products, the perceived risks of process technologies and materials application, and the practical challenges and opportunities they pose for farmers. By procuring this information, the project can design appropriate strategies for improving the products and reducing their actual and perceived risks.
The ICPD will subsequently investigate existing tools to improve communication and transparency between utilities and the community about the production and distribution of biosolids products. From here the project will identify specific community and industry barriers to biosolids acceptance and application at scale, and enhance existing tools to address these barriers and promote biosolids benefits.
These tools, as well as improving biosolids awareness, will be measured in their ability to improve biosolids feasibility and acceptability. In this way, the project will ensure a sustainable biosolids market via the development of industry-appropriate tools.
Our team
Prof Lauren Rickards
Lead Chief Investigator
RMIT University
A/Prof Michael Burton
Chief Investigator
University of Western Australia
Prof Richard Stuetz
Chief Investigator
University of New South Wales
Prof Matthew Kearnes
Chief Investigator
University of New South Wales
Dr James Hayes
Industry Centre Post doc
University of New South Wales
Dr Patrick Bonney
Industry Centre Post doc
RMIT University
Prof Richard Stuetz
Chief Investigator
University of New South Wales
Prof Matthew Kearnes
Chief Investigator
University of New South Wales