
Keep up to date on all the latest publications

Theme 1 Improving technologies

Project 1A: Novel biosolids processing routes for next generation, high quality products


Flores-Alsina, X., Ramin, E., Ikumi, D., Harding, T., Batstone, D., Brouckaert, C., Sotemann, S. and Gernaey, K.V., 2021. Assessment of sludge management strategies in wastewater treatment systems using a plant-wide approach.Water Research,190, p.116714.


Abood, K., Das, T., Lester, D.R., Usher, S.P., Stickland, A.D., Rees, C., Eshtiaghi, N. and Batstone, D.J., 2022. Characterising sedimentation velocity of primary waste water solids and effluents.Water Research,219, p.118555.

Ahmmed, M.S., Skerman, A. and Batstone, D.J., 2022. Predicting long-term solid accumulation in waste stabilisation lagoons through a combined CFD-process model approach.Chemical Engineering Research and Design,184, pp.267-276.

Das, T., Usher, S.P., Batstone, D.J., Rees, C.A., Stickland, A.D. and Eshtiaghi, N.,2022. Shear and solid-liquid separation behaviour of anaerobic digested sludge across a broad range of solids concentrations. Water Research, 222, p.118903.


Das, T., Usher, S.P., Batstone, D.J., Othman, M., Rees, C.A., Stickland, A.D. and Eshtiaghi, N., 2023. Impact of volatile solids destruction on the shear and solid-liquid separation behaviour of anaerobic digested sludge. Science of The Total Environment,894, p.164546.

Liu, H., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Nghiem, L.D., Gao, L., Batstone, D.J. and Wang, Q., 2023. Achieving expanded sludge treatment capacity with additional benefits for an anaerobic digester using free ammonia pretreatment. Chemical Engineering Journal,465, p.142846.

Alvi, M., Batstone, D., Mbamba, C.K., Keymer, P., French, T., Ward, A., Dwyer, J. and Cardell-Oliver, R., 2023. Deep learning in wastewater treatment: a critical review. Water Research, p.120518.

Mo, R., Guo, W., Batstone, D., Makinia, J. and Li, Y., 2023. Modifications to the anaerobic digestion model no. 1 (ADM1) for enhanced understanding and application of the anaerobic treatment processes–A comprehensive review. Water Research, p.120504.


Project 1B: Enhancing resource recovery through thermal and hydrothermal processing
Project 11: Carbon sink or swim: biochar win-win-win?


Marzbali, M.H., Kundu, S., Halder, P., Patel, S., Hakeem, I.G., Paz-Ferreiro, J., Madapusi, S., Surapaneni, A. and Shah, K., 2021. Wet organic waste treatment via hydrothermal processing: A critical review.Chemosphere,279, p.130557.

Patel, S., Kundu, S., Halder, P., Rathnayake, N., Marzbali, M.H., Aktar, S., Selezneva, E., Paz-Ferreiro, J., Surapaneni, A., de Figueiredo, C.C. and Sharma, A., 2020. A critical literature review on biosolids to biochar: an alternative biosolids management option.Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology,19, pp.807-841.


Hakeem, I.G., Halder, P., Marzbali, M.H., Patel, S., Rathnayake, N., Surapaneni, A., Short, G., Paz-Ferreiro, J. and Shah, K., 2022. Mild sulphuric acid pre-treatment for metals removal from biosolids and the fate of metals in the treated biosolids derived biochar.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,10(3), p.107378.

Rathnayake, N., Patel, S., Halder, P., Aktar, S., Pazferreiro, J., Sharma, A., Surapaneni, A. and Shah, K., 2022. Co-pyrolysis of biosolids with alum sludge: Effect of temperature and mixing ratio on product properties.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,163, p.105488.

Aktar, S., Hossain, M.A., Rathnayake, N., Patel, S., Gasco, G., Mendez, A., de Figueiredo, C., Surapaneni, A., Shah, K. and Paz-Ferreiro, J., 2022. Effects of temperature and carrier gas on physico-chemical properties of biochar derived from biosolids. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 164, p.105542.


Patel, S., Marzbali, M.H., Hakeem, I.G., Veluswamy, G., Rathnayake, N., Nahar, K., Agnihotri, S., Bergmann, D., Surapaneni, A., Gupta, R. and Sharma, A., 2023. Production of H2 and CNM from biogas decomposition using biosolids-derived biochar and the application of the CNM-coated biochar for PFAS adsorption.Waste Management,159, pp.146-153.

Rathnayake, N., Patel, S., Hakeem, I.G., Pazferreiro, J., Sharma, A., Gupta, R., Rees, C., Bergmann, D., Blackbeard, J., Surapaneni, A. and Shah, K., 2023. Co-pyrolysis of biosolids with lignocellulosic biomass: Effect of feedstock on product yield and composition.Process Safety and Environmental Protection,173, pp.75-87.


Project 1C: The impact of microbial ecology on operation of biosolids treatment trains.


Elliott, J.A. and Ball, A.S., 2021. Selection of industrial trade waste resource recovery technologies—a systematic review.Resources,10(4), p.29.

Ngo, T., Ball, A.S. and Shahsavari, E., 2021. The current status, potential benefits and future prospects of the Australian biogas sector.Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems,11(1), pp.14-32.


Krohn, C., Khudur, L., Dias, D.A., Van den Akker, B., Rees, C.A., Crosbie, N.D., Surapaneni, A., O’Carroll, D.M., Stuetz, R.M., Batstone, D.J. and Ball, A.S., 2022. The role of microbial ecology in improving the performance of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge.Frontiers in microbiology,13, p.1079136.

Ngo, T., Khudur, L.S., Hakeem, I.G., Shah, K., Surapaneni, A. and Ball, A.S.,2022. Wood biochar enhances the valorisation of the anaerobic digestion of chicken manure. Clean Technologies, 4(2), pp.420-439.

Ngo, T., Shahsavari, E., Shah, K., Surapaneni, A. and Ball, A.S., 2022. Improving bioenergy production in anaerobic digestion systems utilising chicken manure via pyrolysed biochar additives: A review.Fuel,316, p.123374.

Rani, A., Dike, C.C., Mantri, N. and Ball, A., 2022. Point-of-Care Lateral Flow Detection of Viable Escherichia coli O157: H7 Using an Improved Propidium Monoazide-Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Method.Foods,11(20), p.3207.


Elliott, J.A., Ball, A.S. and Shah, K., 2023. Investigations into valorisation of trade wastewater for biomethane production.Heliyon,9(2).


Krohn, C., Jansriphibul, K., Dias, D.A., Rees, C.A., Akker, B. van den, Boer, J.C., Plebanski, M., Aravind, S., O’Carroll, D., Richard, S., Batstone, D.J., Ball, A.S., 2024. Dead in the water – Role of relic DNA and primer choice for targeted sequencing surveys of anaerobic sewage sludge intended for biological monitoring. Water Res. 121354.

Elliott, J.A.K., Krohn, C., Ball, A.S., 2024. Diversity of Microbial Communities in Trade Wastes—Implications for Treatments and Operations. Appl. Microbiol. 4, 682–703.

Krohn, C., 2024. How the weird and wonderful microbes in wastewater can make our cities more sustainable. The Conversation.

Theme 2 Enhancing Product Applications

Project 2A: Creating a market for biosolids by blending with other waste streams to produce a range of high value tailored fertilisers.


Manish Sharma, Jiayin Pang, Bede S Mickan, Megan H Ryan, Sasha N Jenkins, Kadambot H M Siddique 2024.Wastewater- Derived Struvite has the Potential to Substitute for Wheat Soluble Phosphorus Fertiliser for Growth of Chickpea and Wheat. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


Project 2B: Blending biosolids with other waste streams to optimise nutrient ratios and restore and stabilise carbon in Australian cropping soils.


Lu, J., Mickan, B.S., Ryan, M.H., Okely, H., Rollins, C. and Burton, M., 2023. Consumer perceptions of the co-benefits of biosolids and carbon sequestration in a fertiliser aimed at the urban retail market.Journal of Cleaner Production,433, p.139728. [Also listed under Project 3D]


Feizia Huslina, Leadin S Khudur, Kalpit Shah, Aravind Surapaneni, Pacian Netherway, Andrew S Ball , 2024. Mine Site Restoration: The Phytoremediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Soils Environments | Free Full-Text | Mine Site Restoration: The Phytoremediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Soils (


Project 2C: Future direction of biosolids.


Dike, C.C., Shahsavari, E., Surapaneni, A., Shah, K. and Ball, A.S., 2021. Can biochar be an effective and reliable biostimulating agent for the remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils?.Environment International,154, p.106553.

Kundu, S., Patel, S., Halder, P., Patel, T., Marzbali, M.H., Pramanik, B.K., Paz-Ferreiro, J., de Figueiredo, C.C., Bergmann, D., Surapaneni, A. and Megharaj, M., 2021. Removal of PFASs from biosolids using a semi-pilot scale pyrolysis reactor and the application of biosolids derived biochar for the removal of PFASs from contaminated water.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology,7(3), pp.638-649.

Roychand, R., Patel, S., Halder, P., Kundu, S., Hampton, J., Bergmann, D., Surapaneni, A., Shah, K. and Pramanik, B.K., 2021. Recycling biosolids as cement composites in raw, pyrolyzed and ashed forms: A waste utilisation approach to support circular economy.Journal of Building Engineering,38, p.102199.


Dike, C.C., Khudur, L.S., Hakeem, I.G., Rani, A., Shahsavari, E., Surapaneni, A., Shah, K. and Ball, A.S., 2022. Biosolids-derived biochar enhances the bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soil.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,10(6), p.108633.

Dike, C.C., Hakeem, I.G., Rani, A., Surapaneni, A., Khudur, L., Shah, K. and Ball, A.S., 2022. The co-application of biochar with bioremediation for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons from contaminated soil.Science of The Total Environment,849, p.157753.

Kundu, S., Pramanik, B.K., Halder, P., Patel, S., Ramezani, M., Khairul, M.A., Marzbali, M.H., Paz-Ferreiro, J., Crosher, S., Short, G. and Surapaneni, A., 2022. Source and central level recovery of nutrients from urine and wastewater: A state-of-art on nutrients mapping and potential technological solutions.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,10(2), p.107146.

Hakeem, I.G., Halder, P., Dike, C.C., Chiang, K., Sharma, A., Paz-Ferreiro, J. and Shah, K., 2022. Advances in biosolids pyrolysis: Roles of pre-treatments, catalysts, and co-feeding on products distribution and high-value chemical production.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,166, p.105608.

Shah, K., Patel, S., Halder, P., Kundu, S., Marzbali, M.H., Hakeem, I.G., Pramanik, B.K., Chiang, K. and Patel, T., 2022. Conversion of pyrolytic non-condensable gases from polypropylene co-polymer into bamboo-type carbon nanotubes and high-quality oil using biochar as catalyst.Journal of Environmental Management,301, p.113791.


Hakeem, I.G., Sharma, A., Sharma, T., Sharma, A., Joshi, J.B., Shah, K., Ball, A.S. and Surapaneni, A., 2023. Techno‐economic analysis of biochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels and platform chemicals.Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining,17(3), pp.718-750.

Hakeem, I.G., Halder, P., Patel, S., Sharma, A., Gupta, R., Surapaneni, A., Paz-Ferreiro, J. and Shah, K., 2023. Enhancing the pyrolytic conversion of biosolids to value-added products via mild acid pre-treatment.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,173, p.106087.

Halder, P., Marzbali, M.H., Patel, S., Short, G., Surapaneni, A., Gupta, R. and Shah, K., 2023. Ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) recovery from synthetic wastewater using biosolids-derived biochar.Bioresource Technology Reports,23, p.101592.

Hakeem, I.G., Halder, P., Aktar, S., Marzbali, M.H., Sharma, A., Surapaneni, A., Short, G., Paz-Ferreiro, J. and Shah, K., 2023. Investigations into the closed-loop hydrometallurgical process for heavy metals removal and recovery from biosolids via mild acid pre-treatment.Hydrometallurgy,218, p.106044.

Marzbali, M.H., Hakeem, I.G., Short, G., Surapaneni, A., Gupta, R. and Shah, K., 2023. Continuous adsorption of ammonium from primary and digester effluents using biosolids-derived biochar and cation exchange resin.Journal of Water Process Engineering,53, p.103692.

Theme 3 Ensuring Sustainability

Project 3A: Linking stability, odour and production route


Liu, L., Junior, A.A.P., Fisher, R.M. and Stuetz, R.M., 2022. Measuring volatile emissions from biosolids: A critical review on sampling methods.Journal of Environmental Management,317, p.115290.


Hayes, J.E., Barczak, R.J. and Stuetz, R.M., 2023. The use of gas chromatography combined with chemical and sensory analysis to evaluate nuisance odours in the air and water environment.Environment International,180, p.108214.


Project 3B: The role of Biosolids Management in preserving Earth’s resilience


Li, C., Le-Minh, N., McDonald, J.A., Kinsela, A.S., Fisher, R.M., Liu, D. and Stuetz, R.M., 2022. Occurrence and risk assessment of trace organic contaminants and metals in anaerobically co-digested sludge.Science of The Total Environment,816, p.151533.


Project 3C: Development of a risk-based framework for biosolids quality management


Li, C., Le-Minh, N., McDonald, J.A., Kinsela, A.S., Fisher, R.M., Liu, D. and Stuetz, R.M., 2022. Occurrence and risk assessment of trace organic contaminants and metals in anaerobically co-digested sludge.Science of The Total Environment,816, p.151533.


Braine, M.F., Kearnes, M. and Khan, S.J., 2024. Quality and risk management frameworks for biosolids: An assessment of current international practice.Science of The Total Environment,915, p.169953.


Project 3D: Stakeholder engagement and acceptance


Lu, J., Mickan, B.S., Ryan, M.H., Okely, H., Rollins, C. and Burton, M., 2023. Consumer perceptions of the co-benefits of biosolids and carbon sequestration in a fertiliser aimed at the urban retail market.Journal of Cleaner Production,433, p.139728.[Also listed under Project 2B]