Author Prof. Andrew Ball
Date September 8, 2020
This is the first meeting of the ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource.
The meeting aims to provide an opportunity for all partners in the Centre to meet online.
The meeting will provide an outline of the Centre’s focus, governance and high level strategy and vision.
Presentations will also cover:
- the industry outlook, current and future challenges
- key industry expectations; and
- an outline of each of the three main research themes and associated projects.
The event will close with a Q&A session and a look at Next Steps for the Centre.
The recording of the webinar is now available here (Duration: 1 hour 34 mins)
[Note this link appears to be limited to RMIT users – wider distribution links are being investigated – Ed]
Key presentations can be found at the following indicative times (hour.mins.secs) during the recording:
9.30 Trevor Stevenson & Clare Russell – RMIT welcome
14.20 Andy Ball, Director – Centre focus and governance
22.30 Barry McGookin – Introduction & presentation – industry outlook, challenges
32.57 Anas introduced Panel
34.00 Judy Blackbeard – Introduction & presentation – key industry expectations
47.22 Damian Batstone – Theme 1 projects
58.24 Megan Ryan – Theme 2 projects
1.09.52 Richard Stuetz – Theme 3 projects
1.23.26 Q and A
1.29.20 Andy Ball – Close
1.34.05 End.